The More the Merrier

The More the Merrier
Enough Therapy for All

Monday, December 6, 2010

Puppy for Christmas

Often a puppy is at the Top of a child's Christmas wish list. A doting parent is often eager to please a child at Christmas time and to shop for a puppy for many, is very exciting. I have received puppies in the past for both Christmas' and Birthdays. They were always the very best presents I have ever received. I love puppies and I love dogs. However, this is a commitment for usually a dozen years, that's a long time. You must commit to medical care, day to day care and the long term care. What is the age of your child now? So, age 11 you say, and will your child be going to college in say...7 years? Who the will care for this animal? These are very important questions you must ask. And yes, you're right, often the puppy is not for a child, but another adult in the home. So, who will take this puppy to training, what about holidays away from home? So many questions for this new child in our home. That's right, I said child, as for me, my children are all four legged but that is the way it is.  Next consideration, shopping for this puppy. Please, please, look at your many local humane society shelters. They are full of puppies and adult dogs mostly already trained. Your local shelter will be able to assist you with a perfect animal for you. Good Luck!

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Lifetime of Therapy

In 1999, I think it was, I watched the Westminster Dog Show, as I do every year. This year, they highlighted the value of therapy dogs. I had heard of therapy dogs before and understood the many health benefits there were to having a calm dog nearby, but this was the first time I had actually seen film of a therapy dog "working" in a pediatric unit. I cried when I saw how sick children were immediately cheered when this wonderful dog came for a visit. The dog was a English Bull Mastiff and what a teddy bear of a dog that the kids could just wrap their arms around and squeeze forever. I was sold. I also wanted to provide that kind of happiness, that kind of cheer, and affect on someone less fortunate then myself. In 2001, my beloved Lacey became my first certified Therapy Dog and so begun our journey. Over a period of the next seven years Lacey engaged hundreds of patients and clients with her tender way and beautiful spirit, bringing a new dimension to their life and selfishly to say-to my life. If you certify your companion to share with others, you will never regret the time and effort you spend on that endeavor.  Check it

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is that "my" dog?

I don't know about you, but there have been a few times in my life that I didn't recognize my own beloved pet. I hate to admit it but it's true. I remember one such time several years ago. My husband had stopped at a busy intersection, risking his own life, to save a scrappy young dog from being hit from oncoming traffic. We named him Mickey. For the life of me now, I can't remember why, but he always turned to look when you called his name. (Note, I didn't say he "came" to the name, just would turn his head towards you, then roll his eyes and look away) Anyway, Mickey fit in with the rest of our motley crew pretty well. Ok, not so much really, Ok, not really at all. Actually, he was rather a pain for our older dogs and they often would let him know it too. Well, one day it was pouring "cats and dogs" outside and somehow Mickey got out from our fenced-in back yard. (I think our other dogs kicked him out, but that's another story) Next thing I know some poor mud saturated animal is scratching at our front door. My first thought was this poor animal must have been frightened by the storm and gotten loose from a neighbors home.  I opened the garage to let him in and clean him up. He would only run around, jump up and want into the house, it was exasperating. After talking to him to calm him down, it dawned on me, this was my Mickey, drenched to the bone in mud. My Mickey. I didn't recognize him. After the rain stopped, we found out that he had actually been trying to dig back in the back yard.  Now, that was a first!
Pictured here is Nick, a current family member. Unfortunately he also was left out in the rain recently and quite disgruntled about it as seen here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

They know when I'm going out.

Dogs are so intuitive. My two companions react totally different when I am getting ready to leave for work and will be gone for the entire day as opposed to when I am dressing for dinner or a movie. It's incredible, with the latter they begin to sulk about and then slowly move towards their kennels. Before I am ready to go they are both lying down in on their own comfortable rug in...their kennels...wishing they could go wherever I am going.    As I say good night to them, I promise that tomorrow we will all go to the dog park. They curl up, tucking in their noses under their legs, waiting for the promise of my return.

Sleeping in the bed or in a kennel or ???

Our four legged companions sleep in our bed, at least thru the night, that is. Oh, yes, we believe in kenneling and they have their own kennels (in our room), but that is there space to use, mostly as they choose. As for napping, that's a different story. Just now my husband asks, "where are the dogs?"  "On the couch," is my familiar response. Even tho my big boy loves to lay on the cool grass while bathing in the warm glow of the sunlight on a summer's day, he is usually on the chair, curled up like a fur ball. Actually, they have several favorite napping sites, including their kennels, the couch, in (middle) of the foyer, but never on the bed, not during the day anyway.  During the day, while the bed is made, it's off limits. And yes, our four legged companions do know the difference.